Occuity Investment Round 2023
To invest in Occuity, please read and follow the below instructions:
Please note the minimum direct investment we can accept is £10,000
Please ensure you have completed the HNW/Sophisticated Investor Form. If not, please click here
NB - We use your email address as your unique identifier, please, therefore, ensure that the same email address has been used on all steps of the journey
Step 1: Identity Verification - If you have already completed identity verification or are an existing shareholder, please move to Step 2
New Investors are requested to verify your identity. You will need to use a laptop or desktop computer. You will also need your PASSPORT and your MOBILE PHONE to complete this step.
Once completed, please proceed to Step 2
Step 2: Occuity Share Subscription Form
This process will take you through the completion and e-sign of the Occuity Share Subscription Form
To ensure you get the correct form, please select if you are a UK or International Investor
Download and Read the Term Sheet in its entirety
Click the Proceed button to complete the Application Form online providing all the information requested - Please ensure you select the correct share type you wish to subscribe for (either EIS Qualifying Ordinary shares or Preferred Ordinary Shares - please see term sheet for more information) and calculate the total value of shares accurately.
Once complete and submitted, please transfer your funds to the bank details provided on the e-sign document (and below). Please use your FULL NAME as a reference for your bank transfer.
Please notify us by email to investment@occuity.com when your bank transfer has been made
Occuity will confirm receipt of the form and funds and you will receive your share certificate and applicable EIS documentation in due course.
EIS Qualifying Ordinary shares or Preferred Ordinary Shares -
Shares will be offered in 2 different forms:
1. Ordinary Shares of £24.00 each
Occuity has requested HMRC advanced assurance that the share issue for this funding round qualifies for UK EIS (Enterprise Investment Scheme) status, as have previous rounds.
2. Preference Shares of £24.00 each.
These shares do not qualify for EIS tax relief, but have the benefit of a 1x preference in the event of a dissolution or future exit (meaning that these shares receive up to the full value paid, before participating alongside all other shareholders in a distribution of proceeds). A fallaway of 2-3 x share value is applied, meaning that preferred distribution rights fall away to zero, proportionally, as the exit price increases from 2x (£48.00 per share) to 3x (£72.00 per share), after which no preferred distribution will apply. Aside from this preference, both share classes carry the same rights.
Bank: Barclays Bank
Account: Occuity Ltd
Sort Code: 20-65-20
Account No.: 63137503
IBAN: GB69 BUKB 20652063137503