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  • Writer's pictureBeverley Taylor

Occuity celebrates International Womens Day

Beverley Thomson, HR & Recruitment Manager

Today, 8th of March, Occuity is once again celebrating the achievements of the fantastic women in the business– past, present and of course, the future.

Each year, International Women’s Day aims to raise the profile of women around the world and acknowledge the immeasurable contribution that they make - and the impact that they have - on every aspect of everyday life.

This year, the theme for International Women’s Day is “Embracing Equity”.
Joanna Jablonska, Production Manager

Rather than aiming for gender equality - whereby men and women are treated the same - gender equity aims to provide the same support for women as for men - in order to achieve an equal outcome.

Here at Occuity, a company which prides itself on its diversity and inclusion, we like to think that we celebrate the amazing women that we have working here, every single day.

We believe that women should be celebrated for being women, rather than feeling disadvantaged by it, and we aim to appreciate the unique needs of all the women across our organisation.

Every day at Occuity, we celebrate the fact that women hold key roles across all areas of our firm and since International Women’s Day 2022, we have continued to strengthen our team of incredible women by hiring across the board. R&D; operations; quality; engineering; production; marketing; HR; finance and grant-writing are all being driven equally by women as well as men. Furthermore, Occuity’s team of women come from a rich and varied ethical, racial and sociological background, helping to further enrich our already diverse company demographic.

As the world works towards the removal of all barriers to success for women from all backgrounds, here at Occuity we invite more women to join us and add to the already incredible team of talented women that we count ourselves lucky to have.
Nupur Bhattacharya, HR & Recruitment Co-ordinator

We are currently hiring across several areas of our business, including software and manufacturing. If you would like to join an organisation that values being at the forefront of cutting-edge technology and where you can make a vital contribution to our future achievements, then please visit our careers page.

Finally, Occuity would like to thank its brilliant and inspiring women for the amazing contribution that they make to its success and we look forward to welcoming many more women to our team in the near future.

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